Sunday, August 23, 2009

Current Reading

Okay-- so I'm a little further into The Shack now. Not finished; school has definitely gotten in the way. I'm quite glad that I pressed on, and now that Mack is in the shack (hehe) and interacting with the "folks" there. I'd like to have finished it by now, but I'm getting to the point where I'm really enjoying it. Consequently-- I MIGHT be to the point where I slow up with it.

Weird, eh? I've told you about freezer books before-- like The Shining-- the ones you put away because you don't want to know what happens next. In fact, I think I lumped The Shack into that group of freezers a few weeks back.

But I also have that group of books that I take FOREVER to finish, because-- quite frankly-- I don't want them to end.
They're the flying dreams that you can hear the alarm clock go off with each passing page. Perhaps if I don't read that next page yet, I can hit the snooze and the feeling of flying can last a little bit longer.

This is where I am with The Shack now. It's amazing how it did a complete turnaround for me. I honestly can't wait to experience where it will take me next. Not sure if the "worst is over" now, but I'd like to think so.

Other things I've read lately-- the book affectionately called the Tan Book. It's the "bible" (If you will) of the Literacy Teaching World. I've yet to read it cover-to-cover-- but doing literacy training this summer has me using it more and more. I've also delved into the world of teaching mathematics, and found ATM by Marilyn Burns absolutely wonderful. Any doubts I may have had about teaching math this year-- well, they're just about gone (for now, anyways!).

Both are a great resource for any third grade teacher.

So-- tomorrow school starts again. I can't wait to see what the kids have been reading this summer. My younger son FINALLY got going with the Rick Riordan series. YEAH!! The older one just finished The Great Gatsby and Black Like Me. I've read Gatsby a few times, and love it for the 1920's feel to it. However, Black Like Me, seems rather intriguing and it's now on my "List."

If you're just starting school-- have fun! If you've already begun-- yeah! If you have nothing to do with school-- enjoy your day and remember what the first day is like-- you pick the grade.

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